
Learn languages from any web pages

Instantly translate words and phrases and use smart subtitles on Youtube, Netflix and Coursera with eLang extension. From any language to your native language!

over 50 000 satisfied users

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Smart navigation

"Repeat" and "Slow Repeat" features will help you understand any phrase

Turn on

Dual subtitles

Watch videos and films using two languages simultaneously

Turn on

Instant translations

Get instant translation of unknown words and phrases found in text or subtitles on Netflix, Youtube, Coursera.


Dictionary and Simulator

Save words and phrases into your personal dictionary, and go through exercises to memorize them!


Downloading subtitles


Save full subtitles with time codes


Notes of subtitles


Get a summary of the video content


Improve languages with eLang:


1. Translate

words and phrases on any web page or from YouTube, Netflix, and Coursera subtitles

2. Save

words and phrases you’ve chosen to your vocabulary

3. Train

words from your dictionary via eLang account or a mobile app

Feedback from eLang Extension users

"I`ve been using eLang extension for almost 3 months while watching Youtube or series on Netflix. I turn on double subtitles, and really enjoy the "Slow Repeat" feature. I`ve noticed that now it`s become much easier for me to understand native speakers."

reviews cards



"By the nature of my job, I read a lot of professional articles in English. So, I often find unknown terms. Thanks to eLang, I translate them on the spot and then save in a dictionary. From time to time I review and practice them in a simulator. It really helps to memorize the new words and start using them later."

reviews cards


Marketing Specialist

"I learn German and French, and I really like that the eLang extension allows me to translate words from any language. I`m also glad that with this tool, I no longer waste my time searching for the translations."

reviews cards



How to learn languages effectively?

People learn foreign languages in different ways – with tutors, in language courses and schools, through books, apps, websites. However, many people forget that the most effective way is to immerse yourself in the language environment and learn the language in context (and ideally from native speakers).

Fortunately, this can be easily done, as articles, news, videos, and movies in the original are available to everyone via the Internet. The only problem – understanding an unfamiliar words – can be also easily solved. That`s what the eLang Extension was created for!


Learn languages from any web pages

Check extension iconInstant translations

Check extension iconContext learning

Check extension iconDouble subtitles